Having made one cabled Aran shrug that was too big - the shruggigan as my S-i-L calls it - and one that was too small, the red version that's sitting in a cupboard waiting for a recipient, it's now time to make the third version. The one that's just right. It's knit on 4.5 mm needles, using four strands from a cone of cream wool. As you can see, it looks a bit industrial with the four lines of yarn running up from the containers and being twisted into a strand as it's knitted. The yarn feels lovely and looks OK as well. Because of the four strands, I am using a needle to cable with, but I have stuck with purling backwards on the bobbles so that I don't have to turn the work every time and this is getting easier. Much easier and quicker, so a technique worth mastering. I know the cable pattern off by heart now, so that saves a bit of time as well - no staring at the chart and muttering.
Have been both sick and busy this week, so not much time for knitting - or blogging, but even snatched moments add up. 6 of the 12 panels are finished.