Tangerine Nightmare
This is the fourth time I've tried to knit Alef by Leah Sutton (Rowan Magazine 40). I have to succeed, because I bought the lovely Rowan Classic Kid yarn in cream. And the buttons. Do you know how much Rowan yarn costs? Exactly. I'll learn to knit or, well, there is no or. I'm going to learn to knit! Here's how I got to the frame of mind where knitting with Spanish tangerine acrylic yarn seems like a sensible thing to do.
- Feb 2006. I buy yarn, and the magazine, oh, and the buttons (you could buy a winter coat in Primark for what those buttons cost) and set off knitting. I sew it all up. I try it on. I burst into tears. Frog entire thing.
- I carry on knitting. Nothing works. I don't know why. I read blogs. I buy books. How hard can this knitting be?
- Feb 2007. I must be able to knit by now. I reknit a practice Alef in brown acrylic yarn. I sew it all up. I try it on. This time I don't burst into tears because I was kind of expecting trouble. My DH gets to carry the soft pile of disastrous knitting to the rubbish bin in the yard outside. It looks horribly like a pet going to the vet. I wave it goodbye.
- I carry on knitting. I read more blogs. I buy more books. I knit miles of practice knitting. Surely I can knit by now?
- September 2007. I make another practice Alef in peach acrylic yarn. I've learnt a lot. I get cocky. I make all kinds of alterations. I sew it up. I heave a deep sigh. Realise that I am now so hardened that I can throw my own rejects into the bin. I think this counts as knitting progress.
- I carry on knitting. I discover Lucy Neatby. I spend all my money on her DVDs. I find the tangerine yarn. I must be able to knit by now....
- I'll let you know how it goes
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